Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Comments4Kids Assignment (Week 7)

I visited Mrs. Quam's student writing class blog this week! Visit Here! They had some wonderful blogs and there are two specific blogs I commented on. A girl named Kelly wrote a Haiku about a monkey and put a very cute picture on it! She is a talented Haiku writer. I was never really good at writing Haikus. I also read a list of 15 things Nick would like to do before he dies. He is a brave young man! Only two of those items I would choose to do because they are just traveling events. He would like to skydive, go grizzly bear hunting, go shark hunting, ride in a fighter plane, and more crazy stunts. I wish I had that sense of adventure. :) I enjoyed this blogsite a lot and I am glad I was linked to the website.

1 comment:

  1. Amber-
    Thanks for visiting. I just showed my students your comments and this post. They were pretty excited that someone from Alabama was reading, commenting on, and writing about their writing! Thanks for visiting and we hope you come back soon!
    By the way, I think this is pretty cool that your assignment is to check out our blogs. Hopefully you'll be able to apply it in your classroom. I know it has made a difference with my students' enthusiasm for writing.
